Saturday, February 25, 2017

Taylor's Books Rebranded!

Okay, so no big deal. We've rebranded my books under the series title Wenches and Warriors. This is just to streamline and let everyone know they're basically following the same set of characters across their erotic adventures. Also, check out the latest addition to Valgir and friends: The Redhead and the Rogue.

Valgir the Rogue and his band of randy adventurers find themselves back in hot water again - literally. In a steamy bathhouse rendezvous a new opportunity presents itself and the crew take north in search of the huntress Tanith only to run into an old flame. As the passion heats and loyalty and lust are tested can Valgir hold the group together?

Our artist Brandon Bell has also been working hard on creating new, simpler covers for the older titles. Some were too racy for Amazon - a common theme these days - some too tame. Others were not thematic enough and others were just too complicated. Most of the time though Brandon just can't put down his brush. He's getting more creative for Roan Titles as well.

  - Stay chill, Taylor